Supporting children to unplug their thumbs & retrain tongues - using gentle, successful, research-backed techniques.

thumbs + tongues.


You’ve tried the gross nail polishes, bribes and showing scary pictures of crooked teeth.

… or maybe there’s a rogue muscle creating havoc for teeth that are trying to grow straight.

Personalised myofunctional programs.

Tongue Wrangling

A pesky tongue that is out of control? If your child has a tongue that’s bullying the teeth and pushing them into the wrong spots, this is the program for you. Meet with us and practice your exercises at home. Your orthodontist is going to thank you.

Unplug a Thumb/Finger

Desperate to get that finger or thumb out? Tried everything? It’s a daily commitment, but we promise that it will easier than you think and in only 4 weeks. All you need is a child who is willing to stop & a great attitude - let us do the rest!

Floppy Lip Fixer

Floppy and short lips that just won’t stay closed? We’ll strengthen those lips until they have a 6-pack!

Perfect for small children, mouth breathers and after ENT surgery.


This is what a thumb whisperer looks like…