The face behind the face training.

Rosi Ngwenya
Myofunctional Therapist & Sucking Coach


I’m Rosi - the Oral Health & Myofunctional Therapist at Thumbs + Tongues.

Out of all the toothy things I do, helping thumb (& finger) suckers is my absolute favourite

… and I’ve been doing it for over 10 years.

So many of my patients had been trying hard to stop sucking their thumbs/fingers using gross nail varnishes, expensive thumb guards and painful orthodontic appliances. None of these would work. They would be defeated & frustrated.

Soon after starting my customised program, they had their thumbs out, habits broken and were so proud of what they’d achieved.

The parents are thrilled, the teeth were straighter and by maintaining these habits we set up jaw development for life!

Now, I want to help YOU!

If you want to improve your kids’ tongue function, help them stop sucking their thumbs and treat crooked teeth at the root cause… get in touch!

*Sunshine Coast clients can find Rosi consulting at Sunshine Coast Health Services, Suite 8, 5-9 Lakeshore Shopping Centre, Buderim.

Bookings can be made by calling (07) 5463 0288

*Online telehealth consultations available using the calendar.

Contact Us

email: thumbsandtongues@gmail.com


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